Although dogs and elephants may not find themselves sharing the same space in the wild, there is a loving home for both species at Elephant Nature Park in Thailand.
An Emergency Rescue and a New Sanctuary
In 2011 Bangkok was hit by catastrophic and damaging floods. Many Bangkok dogs were stranded by their owners. Pets and street dogs across the city tried to escape the high water and found themselves trapped on rooftops. Scared and with no way to get to dry land ENP volunteers jumped into action to save the animals. In rented boats navigating the river of streets, ENP volunteers began rescuing the stranded dogs. Many dogs were too afraid to board the rescue boats. Rescuers gave the scared dogs fresh water, food and medical treatment to survive on their own. Over 2,000 dogs were pulled to safety by volunteers. 155 were brought to Elephant Nature Park to begin their second chance at life.
Volunteers got to work constructing large ‘dog runs’
were built as well as areas for the dogs to climb on, swim in, and play. The
rescue also constructed a small animal hospital on site and a full-time vet was
brought on to care for the dogs.
Elephant Nature Park’s Dog Pack Grows
Over the last few years, ENP has expanded and opened their hearts to over 400 dogs! There pack consists of mostly street dogs, however they’ve saved dogs from illegal meat trade, mass poisoning attempts and dogs in need of a place to call home. The pack has grown to include 32 disabled dogs. After receiving treatment, staff and volunteers get to work to get the dogs mobile. With the help of their donated Walkin’ Wheels wheelchairs, the disabled dogs are able to spend their days exploring the parks and play with the other dogs. ENP staff and volunteers have devoted themselves to the health and well being of these amazing handicapable dogs. With the love and care they receive, the ENP dogs are able to live a happy and active life.
Finding a Forever Home
Although, willing and able to give all 400 dogs a life-long home at the sanctuary ENP is hoping to help all of their dogs to find their forever homes. To learn more about the Elephant Nature Park Dogs and how you can help, please visit their website.
Watch to Learn More About the ENP Dogs:
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